CrossFit German Throwdown 2024 - Classic | Date: 05. & 06. October 2024 | Location: Halle 45, Mainz


Presented By 



This workout is a two-parted workout, which separates into Score A and Score B. The workout must be performed as one with a 15 min time cap.

IQ23.1 A

For time

  • 30 cal row
  • 60 double under
  • 15 cleans 70kg/50kg
  • 20 cal row
  • 40 double under
  • 12 cleans 80kg/60kg
  • 10 cal row
  • 20 double under
  • 9 cleans 90kg/70kg

Directly into:


IQ23.1 B

For max weight

Perform in the remaining time a complex for maximum weight of:

1 Squat clean + 1 hang squat clean


    Date: 12.08. – 22.08.2023 (6 pm)

    Score IQ23.1 A and Score IQ23.1 B are all the scores of the first week.



     Presented By

    This is the Logo of HoldStrong Fitness


    Classic Chipper

    This workout is for time


    For Time (TC 12 min):

    • 20 Burpee over bar
    • 7,5 m Overhead Lunges
    • 30 Overhead Squats
    • 7,5 m Overhead Lunges
    • 40 Deadlifts
    • 7,5 m Overhead Lunges
    • 30 Overhead Squats
    • 7,5 m Overhead Lunges
    • 20 Burpee over bar

    Date: 11.08. – 21.08.2023


    Presented By 

    Maxi Nutrition

    Light weight baby!

    This workout is an AMRAP with a tie-breaker after the last Box Jump over


    AMRAP 8 min

    • 18-9 C2B & Box jump over
    • 18-9 Toes to bar & Box Jump over
    • 18-9 Strict HSPU & Box Jump over
    • In the remaining time:
    • 12 Ring Muscle-Up
    • Max distance handstand walk


    Date: 11.08. – 21.08.2023

    CrossFit® German Throwdown Classic

    Individual Qualifikation

    28.06. - 15.07.2024

    Team Qualifikation

    26.07. - 12.08.2024


    05. & 06. Oktober 2024


    Halle 45, Mainz

    Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf

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