CrossFit German Throwdown 2024 - Classic | Date: 05. & 06. October 2024 | Location: Halle 45, Mainz


Presented By 

Hold Strong Logo


For time (14 min TC):

This Workout is to be performed in an EMOM (Every minute on the minute) Style. Each minute starts with a buy-in of 15 Double-Unders.

  • Start each min with 15 Double-Unders, then:
  • Even minutes: max. Double DB Devil Press
  • Odd minutes: max. Double DB Box Step-Overs
  • The workout is finished when 50 reps of each movement are completed

Date: 12.08. – 22.08.2022


Die Beschreibung und die Scorekarte sind beide in Englisch. Sollte etwas unklar bleiben, schreibt uns gerne eine E-Mail.


 Presented By




For Time:

This workout is a 15-minute AMRAP (as many rounds and reps as possible) of:

  • 19 Wallballs
  • 19 Toes-to-Bar
  • 19 Calories Row

Date: 12.08. – 22.08.2022


Presented By 

Beyond Red

IQ22.3 A1:

  • 1 Rep-Max Overhead Squat

After 2 minutes:


IQ22.3 B:

  • 21 Thrusters 
  • 12 Bar Muscle-Ups
  • 15 Thrusters
  • 9 Bar Muscle-Ups
  • 9 Thrusters
  • 6 Bar Muscle-Ups

After 10 minutes:

 IQ22.3 A2:

  • 1 Rep-Max Squat Snatch


Date: 19.08. – 29.08.2021

CrossFit® German Throwdown Classic

Individual Qualifikation

28.06. - 15.07.2024

Team Qualifikation

26.07. - 12.08.2024


05. & 06. Oktober 2024


Halle 45, Mainz

Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf

15 + 13 =