TQ 1
Presented By
Version A (M or F)
Set a timer to 20 minutes, complete 3 rounds for time of
500m row
40 American Kettlebell Swings
20 Burpee Box Jump Over
Version B (M or F)
Set a timer to 20 minutes, complete the chipper for time of
1500m row
120 American Kettlebell Swings
60 Burpee Box Jump Over
Period: 19.07. – 29.07.
TQ 2
Presented By
Set a timer to 15 minutes, complete as many reps as possible of:
- 30 Wall Balls
- 15 Power Snatches
Period: 19.07. – 29.07.
TQ 3
Presented By
Version A (M or F)
Set a timer to 15 minutes, complete as fast as possible: Front Squat DT
5 rounds
- 12 Deadlift
- 9 Front Squats
- 6 Shoulder to Overhead
Version B (M or F)
Set a timer to 15 minutes, complete as fast as possible: Standard DT
5 rounds
- 12 Deadlift
- 9 Hang Power Cleans
- 6 Shoulder to Overhead
Period: 26.07.. – 05.08.
TQ 4
Presented By
Set a timer to 10 minutes, complete as many reps and rounds as possible of:
Strict Cindy
- 5 strict Pull-Ups
- 10 Push-Ups
- 15 Air Squats
Datum: 26.07. – 05.08.
CrossFit® German Throwdown Classic
Individual Qualifikation
28.06. - 15.07.2024
Team Qualifikation
26.07. - 12.08.2024
05. & 06. Oktober 2024
Halle 45, Mainz